Today saw the wrap up of the Samsung vs. Apple patent
lawsuit, as both sides gave their closing arguments. Each company says that the
other infringed upon its patents and stole the technology in their devices to
gain a large share of the smartphone market. Apple, being its usual self,
claims that their products had been created by ‘true geniuses’ and that Samsung
stole key features such as the slide to unlock and the search functionality, to
help them keep up. Samsung claims that Apple infringed on their patents to make
FaceTime possible and points out that they used Google’s Android operating
system to run their devices. Interestingly, Google is not named in this suit, although
one could argue that if anything is infringing on Apple’s patents its Android,
and not Samsung’s hardware. I wouldn’t want to be one of the eight jurors who
now have to decide who’s infringing on whom.
This brings me to my topic for today, which is the ever
present Google. Is there anything Google is not involved in? First think about
the obvious ones, which is Google’s online presence. Google includes its
initial function as a search engine; its widely popular email service, Gmail;
its venture into a social network with Google+; Google Maps, Google News,
Google Scholar, Google books, Google Image, Google video, Google translate,
Google Docs, Google Calendar, Google drive, etc. You get my point. Now think
about operating systems, they invented the most widely used phone operating
system in the world, Android; as well as a laptop operating system called
Chrome OS that gives users an alternative to Windows, Mac or Linux. As for
hardware, they’ve got tablets and phones (the Nexus series), as well as the Chromebook (laptop) and Chromecast (media streaming device).
But it is the products that Google makes that fall outside
of these categories that are truly interesting. Developed in a facility called
Google X, Google works on projects that most of us have only heard of in
science fiction movies. Some of the things that are supposedly worked on at
this facility include things such as a space elevator, a hover board, contact
lenses that monitor glucose levels, and a project that is trying to bring
internet to everyone through balloons flying in the stratosphere. Two things
however, have become very real products that may have a huge impact on our
With all of this said, is Google well on its way to being a
constant presence in our lives? Is it already there? Is Google really out to
help make the world a better place? Even with good intentions, are all of these
products going to make our lives better? It will be interesting to see in the
coming years how much of our lives include the entity that is Google.
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